


Document is a single file containing documentation in mdx or esm format.


title (or name)

type: string
Title of the document, also used as the document unique identifier. If no route parameter is specified, the title is used to generate the document url. This is the only required field, as it is used to show the document in the menu structures.
title: Library/Components/Button
export default {
title: 'Library/Components/Button',
hierarchical document titledocument title


type: DocType
Document type - blogs, pages, stories, and even custom ones. By default, all documents are of type story
All documents of the same type are grouped for easier search and navigation.


type: number
Document order used to sort between documents within the same parent menu. By default, documents are ordered by their filesystem precedence (alphabetically).
The order is used for the menu display as well as next/previous page navigation.
as an example, let's suppose you have the following 3 documents:
// first.mdx
title: Components/One
// second.mdx
title: Components/Two
// third.mdx
title: Components/Three
From the file-system order, the documents will be ordered first.mdx, second.mdx and third.mdx (ordered by their file name alphabetically). However, we can order the files manually and sort them first.mdx, third.mdx and second.mdx.
// first.mdx
title: Components/One
order: 0
// second.mdx
title: Components/Two
order: 2
// third.mdx
title: Components/Three
order: 1
custom document orderdocument order


type: string
If provided, will be used as the route for the document page. By default, the title in lowercase will be used as the route.
title: Library/Components/Spinner
route: /library/my-route
export default {
title: 'Library/Components/Button',
route: '/library/esm-route',
custom document routedocument route


type: string
Short description of the documentation page - can be an excerpt for blog posts or keywords for the full-text search. If the description is set, it will also be used for SEO purposes as the description meta tag of the page.
title: Library/Components/Spinner
description: this is a spinner documentation page
export default {
title: 'Library/Components/Button',
description: 'this is a button documentation page'
assign document descriptiondocument description


type: Date
Optional date when the document was created. If not assigned, the instrumentation process will use birthtime from the filesystem.
title: Library/Components/Spinner
date: 01/01/2020
export default {
title: 'Library/Components/Button',
date: new Date('01/01/2020'),


type: Date
Optional date when the document was last modified. If not assigned, the instrumentation process will use mtime from the filesystem.
title: Library/Components/Spinner
dateModified: 01/01/2020
export default {
title: 'Library/Components/Button',
dateModified: new Date('01/01/2020'),


type: draft | published
If set to draft, the document will be hidden in production builds. This allows you to work on the draft version of a document without publishing it.
title: Library/Components/Spinner
status: draft
export default {
title: 'Library/Components/Button',
status: 'draft',


type: string[]
List of document tags, used for cross-linking documents and the full-text search.
title: Library/Components/Spinner
- documentation
- components
export default {
title: 'Library/Components/Button',
tags: ['documentation', 'components' ],
custom document tagsdocument tags


type: string
Document author. Allows categorizing documents by author and also creating custom author's home page.
title: Library/Components/Spinner
author: atanasster
export default {
title: 'Library/Components/Button',
author: 'atanasster',


type: string
Category for the document, for example used by the addon-catalog to display components by category ie 'Display', 'Input' etc.
title: Library/Components/Spinner
category: Display
export default {
title: 'Library/Components/Button',
category: 'Display',
type: boolean
Whether to add a sidebar to navigate all the documents from the same document type. The default value is from the document type configuration but can also be changed at the document level.
title: Library/Components/Spinner
navSidebar: false
export default {
title: 'Library/Components/Button',
navSidebar: false
document navigation sidebardocument navSidebar


type: boolean
Whether to add a context sidebar to access the sections on the current page. The default value is from the document type configuration but can also be changed at the document level.
title: Library/Components/Spinner
contextSidebar: false
export default {
title: 'Library/Components/Button',
contextSidebar: false,
document context sidebardocument context sidebar


type: `boolean
Whether the page to use the full-page theme styling (pagecontainer.full theme variant can be customized). The default value is from the document type configuration but can also be changed at the document level.
title: Library/Components/Spinner
fullPage: true
export default {
title: 'Library/Components/Button',
fullPage: true,
document full pagedocument fullPage


type: string | object
The component associated with the documentation page.
title: Library/Components/Spinner
component: Button
import { Button } from '../components/Button';
import { PropsTable, ComponentSource } from '@component-controls/blocks';
## Component Component
<ComponentSource of="." />
## Component Props
<PropsTable of="." />
import { Button } from '../components/Button';
export default {
title: 'Library/Components/Button',
component: Button,
document componentdocument component


type: `string[] | object[]
Multiple components option.
title: Library/Components/Spinner
component: Button
- Spinner
import { Button } from '../components/Button';
import { Spinner } from '../components/Spinner';
import { PropsTable, ComponentSource } from '@component-controls/blocks';
## Component Component
<ComponentSource of="." />
## Component Props
<PropsTable of="." />
import { Button } from '../components/Button';
import { Spinner } from '../components/Spinner';
export default {
title: 'Library/Components/Button',
component: Button,
subcomponents: [Spinner]
document subcomponentsdocument subcomponents


An object of key/value pairs specifying the controls for the stories file will apply to all the stories in the file.
title: Library/Components/Spinner
controls: { text: 'some text' }
import { Playground, Story, PropsTable } from '@component-controls/blocks';
<Story name="text-control">
{({ text }) => (
<PropsTable name="text-control" />
import React from 'react';
export default {
title: 'Library/Components/Button',
controls: { text: 'some text' },
export const textControls = ({ text }) => <div>{text}</div>;
document controlsdocument controls


An array of wrapper functions (decorators) that will be called when rendering each story.
import React from 'react';
export default {
title: 'Library/Components/Button',
decorators: [
(controls, context) => {
const { renderFn } = context;
return (
<div style={{ background: 'lightpink' }}>
{renderFn(controls, context)}
export const overview = () => <div>decorator test</div>;
document decoratorsdocument decorators


type: `string[]
associate component test files with the document, the paths sould be relative to the document file. By default the associated test files are inferred automatically.
import { Button } from '../components/Button';
export default {
title: 'Library/Components/Button',
component: Button,
testFiles: ['./Button.test.ts']


type: `string[]
associate component files to include in the coverage testing, the paths sould be relative to the document file. By default the associated coverage files are inferred automatically.
import { Button } from '../components/Button';
export default {
title: 'Library/Components/Button',
component: Button,
testCoverage: ['./Button.ts', '../utils.ts']


type: `string
associate a data-driven testing file component, the path sould be relative to the document file. By default the associated data-driven testing file is inferred automatically.
import { Button } from '../components/Button';
export default {
title: 'Library/Components/Button',
component: Button,
testCoverage: ['./Button.ts', '../utils.ts']